
Thursday 6 August 2020

Thursday dance classes with Anton

 Another dance session with the incredible Anton! He taught us 3 new dance moves, they are the Mike Tyson, box step and the smurf. 

Room 8 students are loving Anton coming into our school to teach us really cool dance moves.

The students of Room 8 describe Anton as, cool, famous, groovy and brave! We are excited to show our dance to our whanau and our school mates. Watch this space!!


  1. Hi Room 8, you guys are very talented. Look at those moves you have shown on the photos. I can't wait to come around and see the real action. Love seeing you guys enjoying the session. Keep smiling!

  2. Hi Room 8. You guys are bombs. I see you guys grooving. I guess you guys really enjoyed dancing. Keep grooving and stay happy

  3. Wow Room 8! What a cool experience learning to dance. I can't wait to see your final dance. Keep practicing hard!

    Miss Smith.

  4. Hi Room 8, wow I hope your learning some cool new moves from Anton! Can't wait to see the whole thing put together, keep up the great work!

  5. Kia Orana RoomThose are really cool dance moves. Hope you can teach the moves when we start back to school

  6. Fabulous learning Room 8!!! What a great learning experience for you all to develop your confidence. Room 11 can't wait to see your class dance. Keep learning and practicing.

  7. Hi Room 8 you guys have some awsome dance moves. Keep up the amazing work!!

  8. I can't wait to see your moves that you all have been learning! I think Room 8 has some amazing dancers.

  9. Hi Room 8 you guys have some great dance moves maybe you guys could show some dance moves so I cam learn them. Great work guys keep it up and stay safe
